Monday, June 2, 2008

Facebook challenge

Ok I have a new challange I plan on completeing this summer. Its one week with out My favorite site in the world wre I get to talk to all my friends. Its really easy and you dont have to pick up the phone. Specially when your friends are right on there. You can even now facebook IM.
I plan on going with out it the first week out of school. An maybe longer but I don't know what Ill do at night. Maybe clean or some wierd, new obsesion with kick up. But that is my altiment goal. The bad thing is I have facebook on my cell phone so that will be a challenge to not look at when I am on my break at work or when i check my email.
I am doing this to try and pull myself away from the killing internet that captures and amazes us everyday. I think maybe every one should try this because it is summer time and time to enjoy the great out door and have fun with friends father then meeting them in siberspace.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bands Copying Other Bands

Sick Puppies and Destiny Child, Sick puppies copyed the song, "Say My Name". By Destiny child. The question which one is better. Personly they both are great bands and I like both versions. But Sick Puppies more appeal to the rockers and punks. They didn't completely copy them because they did add there own twists to it, but practically its the same song. But it is good, and I only wish they would have been able to put it on there newest and only cd. Destiny Child, had been around for ever, a nice R&B combo with soul back in to it. PLus have all female vocalists gave it more of a female has been hurt. Un like in the Sick Puppies version, were there is a male vocalist and gives it more of the feel a woman is cheating on him.


AIM, most people that are young and in high school or collage use aim. Its a quick and easy way just talk to people through the internet with out haveing to talk to them. You can type whatever you want and be who ever you want. Along with talking to many people at once. Its FREE, which is the best part. You can be bored and surffing the internet an see who else is on, that is on your aim buddies list. An just start chatting and yoiu still can just be sitting at your computer any way you want. You can be sitting at your computer completely naked if you want because no one is going to see you. But it would be kind of wierd if you were but the point is you would be the only person that knows that your naked unless you tell some one, "hey yeah you remember we were talking on aim, well I was naked." Which is completely wierd may I add! Plus on aim we have our own lingo. Such as LOL, LAugh out load. OR JK, just kidding. Those are the most commen ones that are out there.

Mountain Dew

Mountain Dew, what is there to say about it? Well it is one of the sugary death drinks out there. Causes pimples, obestety and many other health problems. But in the end it is still one of the most advertised and know softdrink out in the world. AN it is hightly addicting. An once you stop it is imposible to stop. It just flows so smooth down the throught and thirts quenching.

Its come to the point it is hard to live with out this easy grabbing, drink that just hits the spot. The sugary part no longer addfects me at all. Mountaint Dew has only become and nessesity to make it througth school and just to relax. But with riseing cost it does put a big dent in my purse. An they just keep comeing out with new flavors making it so tempting to just try them an see how they taste and they are different. Pop as became a major part in most high school and olders peoples lives. Its away of life.


In resent advents I have become a addict of the popular free music download software, known as, Limewire. Its so easy to use. All you have to do is type in a artists name or song and there ir is at your fingertipes. How can't that be awesome. Pretty much everything you could want is right there. So you dont have to go out and buy a cd that all you wanted it was for that one song. Pretty much all you have to do is have a high internet conection and there you go millions apon millions of songs right there on your screan.
The best type of internet for this is wireless. Because its by fare one of the fastest interdnet out there. Or DSL. You have a quicker conection and you download is faster, so your not sitting there wanting to break the stupid computer. For being so slow. In just one day I have got about 34 songs. It is addicting, because all you do is think of all those all songs you miss and want to find now that you couldn't back then. I strongly suggest doing this if your a music lover. Or for school projects if it has to do with songs or mucis. That way you still have a great project but at a cheaper cost.

Kansas the Band

Have you ever heared one of the greatest bands of the 60s. There lyrics about the Vietnam war. An how it was gods choose if our brothers lived or died. THe band Kansas, has been a great insperation to me, an has a lot to do with my US History work. Because at the current time we are learning about the 60s and vietnam war. So reasentally I have been looking for music fromt he genera. Like the phycadelic punk and blues. An the meanings behind the songs that are inbeded in the lyrics. Which this band has a lot of that time and feelings that were going on.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pink Duck Tape

Whats the facination of something you really don't need, that you could so easly live with out? Like Duck Tape you really don't need it, but you always have it. AN when its different colors then its like you have to have all of them because they are pleasing to the eyes.
Its an unnessisary product, but always need in the most unusuall places. Like on car or ripped pants. We can uses it on any thing. From holding up a bummper too tabe a person to a wall, pole or table. Or it can just be used to play with in a time of bordom.
As I have seen my friends have taped a piece of hot pink duck tape to there leg. Showing how bored and uncool they are. But not really. I know people that will duck tape there whole shoes and try and make a fashion statement. Its just a waste of time, most of the times and we wast matteriallys makeing it. But I would still have to say I do have fun in the middle of class playing with the pink ducktape. Like riipping of bits for friends or wearing the whole thing as a braclet.

Ipod Nano

The Ipod Nano, now new and improved. Comes in many different fashionable eyes pleasing, vibrent colors. A perfect little devise to carry around with you on the go. You can watch movies, and play games as well. Way better then the old fashion walkmens and casset players. A mine computer in your palm. The clarity is awesome beound belief. You can show off all of the great and different music that you injoy so greatlly and show your friends right away. With out haveing to carry around a cd or wait to get to your computer and show a friend. But now the apple is haveing compition with a new and proven to be easer company, Zune. The zune is cheaper and can have wireless link up with other zunes. But apple still has the upper hand do to the fact they have been out longer and alot more people trust them, plus pretty colors. Which you have to love no matter what. All ages have the Ipod. An they have updated the look of the nanos from the little oblong think.m To some thing that is easer to carry around in your pocket.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Springvills Prom

A wonderful night with lights and wonder. With music in the air, and every one dreesed up in fancy, beautiful dresses and tuxs. Some uniqe but all of them matching each other. Like from teh color of the dress to the flowers. The Tux colors exsact to the dress. Costing great amounts of money.
But in the end after all your money spent you go home with a great exsperiance and wonderful memories. Of music blarring and people shaken it on the dancefloor. An meeting new and wonderful people specially if your like me.
I was invited to the Springville prom. By my coworker that said he was desprit for a prom date for is senior year. I had already known two other people that were going. An I ended up leaving there with about five new friends that I am now really close with and still talk too. My canclusion don't be scared to exsperiance something new. Like going with a friend to prom at a diffferent school. You can end up meeting new people an begin a new chapture in your life full of new and intreasting people to get to know and understand.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Female Serial Killer, Beverly Allitt

Becerly Allitt, was one of the many female serial killers that was known as the 'Angel of Death'. She was a english paediatric nurse. She had killed four children and injured nine others. An was charged in 1991. She had worked at Grantham and Kesteven Hospital. Basically all the children that she killed and tryed too had chest infections when addmitted to the hospital or suchs little other problems. But once the nine childtren that she attemped to murder were moved to another hospital, they recovered with ease. most of her victioms were given an insolin over dose. They blame the dissorder, Munchausen syndrome by proxy. They believe this exsplains her motives. Which the illness is basically, women looking for attention. To either save or try an help to save the child or elderlly person. Because people will say there sorry if they lose the patient or if its a mother there child. An how tough they must be to go through this. Which in this case exactlly. She got the attention of how could she have lost this poor young child to whatever they were souffering from. People would feel sorry for her. he also gets the 'angel of death', thing from, not wanting the child to suffer throught there long an hard life. Or she didn't want them too hurt any more. There is just too many things that she could have thought to bring about the motives. But for one thing she was deffentally smart, she didn't get caught right away an she new what she was doing. For all any one knowns she was just doing it to see if she could get away with it. The site that talks about her victoms and tells you each of them is, THIS. Plus you can learn about more serial killers and alls buy there mercandice. Like t-shirts, clocks and ect.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Juno The Movie of the YeAr

Juno, the brand new movie just released this last Tuesday. An was in movie theaters across the nation for weeks on end one the best movie of the year. When looking at advertisements of the movie, personally I thought it was another dumb none Hollywood movie that was going to be so dumb, stupid and long with no sense to it. But last night when watching this movie I wasd proven wrong.

This movie is in spiring, funny and a great look in to high schools across the nation. In todays society, there are alot of pregnant teenages in high schools. It is becoming a big issue. In the movie the main characture, Juno did the best thing for her baby. An alot of young girls that are in the same type of situations should really watch this movie. Because there are plenty of young couples or any type of couples that can't have children. An they have the money and means to take care of a baby. Unlike most young girls that just have the child and can't take care of it and give it the life it deserves and the life the young girl desserves. Because the baby comes first.

But this movie was a great look in todays society of the youth. These have become a commen acurrance. An the parents of Juno, were exactlly what real parents need to be. Its point less to get angry at the child its too late. And its there childs dession to have the baby, keep it or give it to a good home. They already made the mistake. Like my parents said, " its too late, we will be pissed but we will help you and be there for you." But Juno I believe made the best dession and it is a very real and rememberable movie.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Self Exspression

In today society have you ever felt you can't exspress yourself. That the fear of being different is very much exstream. The looks old people and adults give the younger generation, when they look different because they are trying to break free.
Isn't sad to know that no matter what happens every generation is going to thing the one below them is crazy, when in fact they did the samething. All they wanted to do was bedifferent from there parents. This is happening and always will. Each decade wants to out do and do better then the first.
The only difference these days, the way my generation and the ones below mine do is try and change our apperence. We want to dye our hair different colors, that are out of the ordanarry. We want to have new and different piercings on our bodies and tattoos. Some people may think this is exstream but it is finding our individuallality. We want our own lives not our parents ones. At one point or another we have to break free.
Its gotten to the point that now we can choose to show our sexuality and how we want to live and dress. Every one has there own styles. But when you the older generations look at us they see trouble makers, pot smokers, or drug users, trash or even demons. They forget we are all just human. Maybe a few are bad but not all and not all are doing it for attention. But its who we are. Who we want to be and Our selves and no one has the right to judge us on that. THey only have the right to judge us on how we act.

Sick Puppies

I don't mind where you come from As long as you come to me I don't like illusions I can't see Them clearly
I don't care no I wouldn't dare To fix the twist in you You've shown me eventually What you'll do I don't mind... I don't care... As long as you're here Go ahead tell me you'll leave again You'll just come back running Holding your scarred heart in hand It's all the same And I'll take you for who you are If you take me for everything Do it all over again It's all the same Hours slide and days go by Till you decide to come And in between it always seems too long All of a sudden And I have the skill, yeah I have the will To breathe you in while I can However long you stay Is all that I am I don't mind... I don't care... As long as you're here Go ahead tell me you'll leave again You'll just come back running Holding your scarred heart in hand It's all the same And I'll take you for who you are If you take me for everything Do it all over again It's always the same Wrong or right Black or white If I close my eyes It's all the same In my life The compromise I close my eyes It's all the same Go ahead say it you're leaving You'll just come back running Holding your scarred heart in hand It's all the same And I'll take you for who you are If you take me for everything Do it all over again It's all the same I am pretty sure at one time or another, these lyrics will fit your life an how you feel. At least this song is contages. Because once you start lissen to it, its hard to stop. It starts out soft and smooth then keeps a great beat. This band is considered to be pop and rock. Its band name the Sick Puppies, does make it sound like a band you would almost hear walking in to Hottopic or some new age fashion store. But they are accually non head bangerish on most of there songs. But the down side to there music is that it is depressing in ways. I don't know how else to exsplain them, well I do wonderful. An if you read the lyrics there is a lot of love and hatetred in the songs. It comes from there hearts and souls. An its all there own soungs they haven't sold out or copyed prevouse great hits to get a number one spot on the Top 20 music artists or such. They just injoy there music and who they are with out changing. I would deffenally recomand lissening to there first an ony cd that is out right now. An I can't wait for the second one that is soon to be relseased. They are currentlly on tour through out the United States...With another great band Saving Abel. CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Saving Abel

Have you ever had an addiction to a song? That replays in your head over and over, soming thing that you can't get out of your head no matter what you lissen to next or hear or think about. Its like your internal memory is set on a repeat. And you can't find the off button. That you know is there but for some odd reason your brain is hiding it keeping it away from you.
For the past 24 hours the spanking new band Saving Abel. Ironically there new song is called Addicted. The lead singer has this voice that just flows with the music, not gravially like some lead singers. The only thing wrong with the song is that it is has bad language and its deffentally not for little kids. But it is so addicting. because the main chores is the one that keeps playing over in my head.
As soon as I found out the artist I had to download the ringtone. just to get my fixs of the song. Then on going to best buy I find out that the cd is exstreamly hard to get. There was one copy of it coming in on that nights truck. An the cd had been released sense March 11, 2008.
I do greatlly sugest that if you are fan of rock/alternitive rock and are in to, Buckcherry and Stonesour. You would greatlly fall in love with this new band. They have a great base and lead guitar and vocal is fantastic.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Research Paper

i have decided to do my research on Elizabeth Bathory. She goes with alot of my intrests such as vampires, murders and crimes. She was known to be a "true" vampire in the 1500s' to the 1700s'. She had murdered a big number of girls and servants before she was sentenced to spend the rest of her days silled in her tower. She had been labled as a vampire because she would bite and scratch the servants as a way of punishment in somecases. It had been told that she had become absessed with blood, because one day a servant had been brushing her hair and pulled her hair. She then slapped the girl and the blood from her mouth or nose one of the two had plattered on her skin. She seemed to think that the bloos made her skin glow and look young. So for then on she begain to bath in blood of the servants and girls...she was a major sick woman. She is known as one of the famous female serial Killers in history. There is alot to learn about her because she had many different measures of torter. Her real spelling of the name, Erzabet Bathory.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Pink Room intro

Welcome to the Pink Room... Just something funny and stupid all the great things put in one. lol