Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mountain Dew

Mountain Dew, what is there to say about it? Well it is one of the sugary death drinks out there. Causes pimples, obestety and many other health problems. But in the end it is still one of the most advertised and know softdrink out in the world. AN it is hightly addicting. An once you stop it is imposible to stop. It just flows so smooth down the throught and thirts quenching.

Its come to the point it is hard to live with out this easy grabbing, drink that just hits the spot. The sugary part no longer addfects me at all. Mountaint Dew has only become and nessesity to make it througth school and just to relax. But with riseing cost it does put a big dent in my purse. An they just keep comeing out with new flavors making it so tempting to just try them an see how they taste and they are different. Pop as became a major part in most high school and olders peoples lives. Its away of life.

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