Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Female Serial Killer, Beverly Allitt

Becerly Allitt, was one of the many female serial killers that was known as the 'Angel of Death'. She was a english paediatric nurse. She had killed four children and injured nine others. An was charged in 1991. She had worked at Grantham and Kesteven Hospital. Basically all the children that she killed and tryed too had chest infections when addmitted to the hospital or suchs little other problems. But once the nine childtren that she attemped to murder were moved to another hospital, they recovered with ease. most of her victioms were given an insolin over dose. They blame the dissorder, Munchausen syndrome by proxy. They believe this exsplains her motives. Which the illness is basically, women looking for attention. To either save or try an help to save the child or elderlly person. Because people will say there sorry if they lose the patient or if its a mother there child. An how tough they must be to go through this. Which in this case exactlly. She got the attention of how could she have lost this poor young child to whatever they were souffering from. People would feel sorry for her. he also gets the 'angel of death', thing from, not wanting the child to suffer throught there long an hard life. Or she didn't want them too hurt any more. There is just too many things that she could have thought to bring about the motives. But for one thing she was deffentally smart, she didn't get caught right away an she new what she was doing. For all any one knowns she was just doing it to see if she could get away with it. The site that talks about her victoms and tells you each of them is, THIS. Plus you can learn about more serial killers and alls buy there mercandice. Like t-shirts, clocks and ect.

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